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CAAHEP Accredited Ultrasound Technician Schools in Wisconsin!What does the ultrasound technician school teaches?8 Accredited Ultrasound Technician Schools in NCSome Ultrasound Technician Schools in GAWhy Choose Accredited Ultrasound Technician Schools?Things to Look For In Ultrasound Tech ClassesBest Ultrasound Technician SchoolsSome Facts to Know About Before Joining Ultrasound Technologist SchoolUltrasound Technician Schools NJ: Pathway to Ultrasound Technician CareerUltrasound Machines for Sale: Great Way to Buy Machines in Great PriceCAAHEP Accredited Ultrasound Technician Schools Online! CAAHEP Accredited Ultrasound Technician Schools in Missouri

If you are considering shaping your career as an ultrasound technician, then, you will be glad to learn that there are currently 7 CAAHEP accredited ultrasound technician schools in Wisconsin, which will best help you reach your destination. These accredited schools offer versatile ultrasound training programs, ranging from Certificate programs to associates degree and bachelors degree program. And, well, the students also have the liberty to choose the type of ultrasound field that they would like to specialize in i.e. either in general sonography or vascular sonography or the echocardiography.

Since the certificate programs basically take the shortest period to get completed (i.e. from 1 to 2 years), we have here supplied a brief information on the 4 ultrasound schools that run classes for Certificate program in different sonography concentration fields. Mind that, upon graduation from these programs, the graduated students thereupon become eligible for ARDMS certification exam, which is somewhat like licensing exam.Certificate programs in diagnostic medical sonography in Wisconsin:Aurora St. Luke’s Medical Center

Located in Milwaukee, the Aurora Medical Center is one of the top reputed ultrasound technician schools in Wisconsin, which grants the aspiring students a certificate program in diagnostic medical sonography. This certificate program generally lasts for over 1 and a half years. Recta probe And, the interested students also have the alternative to take either the general sonography program or the vascular sonography program, according to their preference.Quick Details:CAAHEP Accredited Ultrasound technician Schools in Wisconsin: Aurora St. Luke’s Med. CenterUltrasound Programs Offered: Certificate program in Diagnostic Medical SonographyFields of Ultrasound Concentration: General & Vascular SonographyAddress: 180 W Grange Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53207Phone no.:– 414-747-4352Online Address: aurorahealthcare.orgColumbia College of Nursing

Like Aurora, the Columbia College also runs a certificate program in the diagnostic medical sonography, with the alternative given to the students to join in either the general sonography or the vascular sonography. Again, this CAAAHEP sanctioned program lasts for about 1 and a half year, in the course of which the students will be taken through classroom lectures and lab practices. The subject matter will cover OB/GYN, abdominal, vascular and breast sonography.Quick Details:CAAHEP Accredited Ultrasound technician Schools in Wisconsin: Columbia College of NursingUltrasound Programs Offered: Certificate program in Diagnostic Medical SonographyFields of Ultrasound Concentration: General & Vascular SonographyAddress: 4425 North Port Washington Road, Glendale, WI – 53212Phone no.:– 414-961-3945Online Address: columbia-stmarys.orgWheaton Franciscan Healthcare

The Wheaton Franciscan is another CAAHEP accredited ultrasound school that too resides in Milwaukee. And, likewise, it also runs a certificate program in diagnostic medical sonography, which lasts for over 1 and a half year.

But besides the vascular and general sonography, the Wheaton Franciscan also grants a cardiac sonography program to the interested students. And, frankly speaking, let me tell you that the ultrasound technicians specializing in echocardiography are the ones who earn the Recta probe most handsome salary figures, i.e. over $85000 per year.Quick Details:CAAHEP Accredited Ultrasound technician Schools in Wisconsin: Wheaton Franciscan HealthcareUltrasound Programs Offered: Certificate program in Diagnostic Medical SonographyFields of Ultrasound Concentration: General, Vascular & Cardiac SonographyAddress: 3237 South 16th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53215Phone no.:– 414-647-5711Online Address: wfhealthcare.orgUniversity of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics:

The Wisconsin University is a very reputed ultrasound technician school in Wisconsin since in addition to the certificate program in diagnostic medical sonography, there is also a bachelor’s degree program for the same field. As a side note, the University of Wisconsin is currently the only educational institution in Wisconsin, which offers the bachelors degree sonography program sanctioned by CAAHEP. Medical sensor The students also have a versatile program choices ranging from general sonography to vascular as well as cardiac sonography.Quick Details:CAAHEP Accredited Ultrasound technician Schools in Wisconsin: University of WisconsinUltrasound Programs Offered: Certificate program as well as Bachelor’s degree program in Diagnostic Medical SonographyFields of Ultrasound Concentration: General, Vascular & Cardiac SonographyAddress: 2870 University Ave., Madison, WI 53705Phone no.:– 608-263-9033Online Address: uwhealth.orgGeneral admission requirements for certificate programs:

The applicants ought to have certain credentials in a related healthcare field such as nursing, radiology, MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) and X-ray technology. The expected credentials might be an associate’s degree or even a bachelor’s degree.

Before enrolling in the certificate programs, the applicant should have had studied the certain pre-requisite courses such as medical terminology, physics, psychology, anatomy, patient care and medical ethics.Be Sociable, Share!Topics:Ultrasound Technician Schools in Wisconsin |   No Comments »CommentsOnline Ultrasound Technician Schools in California & Florida | Contact Us | Sitemap |  Privecy Policy